True bugs – the good, the bad, the ugly!
True bugs are an interesting, diverse group of insects, and the only ones officially called “bugs.”
True bugs are an interesting, diverse group of insects, and the only ones officially called “bugs.”
Dragonflies and damselflies are among the most beautiful insects. They’re predators of nuisance insects like gnats, flies, mosquitoes.
Beetles comprise 30 percent of all insects and about 30 percent of all other animal species. And millions more yet to be discovered!
Lepidoptera is a large order of insects, second only to beetles in the number of species described so far. They date back at least 50 million years.
Read about these charming backyard pals, their characteristics and behavior.
When we can set aside our fears, we find that snakes are fascinating animals that deserve respect as beneficial predators of rodents, and other pests.
There is no scientific distinction between frogs and toads; they just belong to different families. A few visible differences, however, distinguish them.
Wildlife need to feel safe in your yard: Dense shrubs, brush piles, stacked firewood, tall grasses, trees, and for some animals, water. Plus more.
Wildlife need places for resting, birthing and raising offspring. The more options you offer, the safer and more welcoming your yard will be.
Wildlife won’t stay in your yard if there’s no food for them. A large part of their day — everyday — is focused on finding food.
Is your yard a flight path, and never a landing zone? Then make it a destination by following these suggestions. You’ll be watching birds full-time!
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