Use the right types of bird feeders
If you want to attract birds to your yard quickly, then bird feeders are the answer. Use the right feeder for best results.
If you want to attract birds to your yard quickly, then bird feeders are the answer. Use the right feeder for best results.
All insects have three things in common: An exoskeleton, three main body parts: and six jointed legs.
Native plants contribute to a backyard wildlife habitat in the best possible ways. Here’s a list of ideal plants.
Here’s why you should ban the use of pesticides in your yard. You’ll protect wildlife, pets, the environment and yourself.
Once you’ve created a backyard habitat for wildlife, it’s best to let the animals enjoy it without too much disturbance.
Rabies is a viral disease that attacks the nervous system of mammals. It’s terrible and deadly. Fortunately, it’s rare, even among wildlife.
Step-by-step guidelines for rescuing and caring for orphaned or injured wildlife: birds, rabbits, squirrels, opossums, others.
Scientific classification is a system used by scientists to classify life into orderly groups. It seems confusing, until you read this.
Snails are little stealth creatures, living around us mostly unnoticed. Yet, they’re the second highest number of species.
Cockroaches have been around for more than 300 million years. You may have heard it said they’ll still be here long after humans are extinct!
An old superstition warns that earwigs crawl into people’s ears and burrow into their brains to lay eggs — the reason they’re called earwigs.
Flies have a notorious reputation, but most are helpful pollinators of crops and flowers, and recyclers of plant, animal matter into organic nutrients.