Others By Tara Allison In your yard: pill bugs (roly-poly bugs) Fun to watch, important to your yard’s ecosystem, and not insects!
Others By Tara Allison In your yard: centipedes Harmless to humans, beneficial for your yard, and rarely encountered.
Others By Tara Allison In your yard: millipedes, the first land animals Millipedes only seem scary. Harmless to humans and beneficial.
Earthworms By Tara Allison Earthworm questions you didn’t know you had! Do worms have a head? How long do they live? Do they freeze in winter? Why are the slimy? More.
Earthworms By Tara Allison How to attract earthworms to your garden The more earthworms there are, the more fertile the soil. Attract them with moisture, plant matter and a little TLC.
Others By Tara Allison All about land snails Snails are little stealth creatures, living around us mostly unnoticed. Yet, they’re the second highest number of species.
Earthworms By Tara Allison All about earthworms The lowly earthworm, they’re given such short shrift. We should be celebrating them. They quietly work magic right under our very feet.