Interesting facts about ground squirrels
Facts about ground squirrels, chipmunks, prairie dogs, marmots, and the Groundhog.
Facts about ground squirrels, chipmunks, prairie dogs, marmots, and the Groundhog.
Your dog got sprayed? Here’s how to remove skunk odor. Best odor-remover recipe. Can skunks get rabies? Is it OK to feed skunks?
Difference between a rabbit and a hare. Caring for an injured rabbit. Caring for an orphaned rabbit. Rabbit in a window well.
Found across the U.S., maybe even in your yard. That’s a good thing! As bats go, the Big Brown Bat is, well, big. But, no need to fear.
Learn about beavers, how they live and the value of their dams in nature.
Answers to common questions about bats. Why do they hang upside down? Bats and rabies. Injured bats. Do bats form “flocks?” More.
Answers to common questions about the Red Fox. Is it okay to feed a fox? Foxes and rabies. Are pets safe? More.
How to rescue and care for an orphaned fawn. Keep deer from eating plants. Deterrent recipe. Deer ticks.
About encountering a Coyote, safety of pets, rabies risk, and keeping them out of yard.
See and read a bit about all rabbits and hares of the U.S. Do some visit your yard?
There are more than 60 species of opossums in the world, but only one in the U.S. A beneficial marsupial deserving of respect.
Read all about the urban mammals that visit your yard.