In your yard: 27 birds to look for
You’ll spot many of these birds in your own yard.
You’ll spot many of these birds in your own yard.
If someone calls you a birdbrain, consider it a compliment! Birds in the Cordivae family astonish with their sense of self and problem-solving skills.
Male and female birds must find each other, but how? Trees, plants, hills and human structures are sight barriers. Even in trees, birds may not see others.
Forty-eight million Americans call themselves birdwatchers. And, no wonder—birds are beautiful, entertaining and surprising.
How do wildlife survive in harsh winter weather? Strategies includes heavy fur coats, warm burrows, “anti-freeze,” and other surprises.
With the first brisk mornings of fall, it may seem like all that’s ahead is to rake up our leaves and then relax until spring. But, no.
The tiny birds that can! Twice a year, these wee birds fly thousands of miles in the face of extreme hazards.
The cheery spring songs of birds may be disguising hunger pangs. Last summer’s harvest of seeds, berries were consumed in the winter.
Ever wondered what species of birds the Twelve Days of Christmas song refers to? Here’s what the experts say, plus photos.
The factory-raised turkey roasted, carved up and laying on dinner plates, is nothing like those living in the wild.
Want to feed hummingbirds? The recipe is easy to prepare and hummingbirds always come back for more!
Meet the three woodpecker species especially noted for storing food and protecting their stash.