Sleeping winter away – secrets of hibernating wildlife
How do wildlife survive in harsh winter weather? Strategies includes heavy fur coats, warm burrows, “anti-freeze,” and other surprises.
How do wildlife survive in harsh winter weather? Strategies includes heavy fur coats, warm burrows, “anti-freeze,” and other surprises.
If you love love love pines, raise your paw! This group of three squirrel species surely would.
Plants that flower in the spring put an end to the monotony of winter with a colorful prelude to summer.…
Halloween’s coming! Meet some very scary backyard wildlife! Boo!
With the first brisk mornings of fall, it may seem like all that’s ahead is to rake up our leaves and then relax until spring. But, no.
Coyotes live everywhere, and increasingly in cities. You’ll may never see one; they’re shy, secretive, hyper-alert, smart. Also, beneficial.
Smart and clever animals that are beneficial to have around, and fun to watch.
Do you feed squirrels? Would you rather be feeding birds? Across the nation, mini-battles rage between humans and squirrels.
Now sometimes urban, these gentle hoofed animals are worth learning about.