All about Cottontail Rabbits
Built for speed, jumping, and agility, they’re named for their cottony tail and smarter than you think.
Built for speed, jumping, and agility, they’re named for their cottony tail and smarter than you think.
The most common mouse in the U.S., they’re seen as pests. But they’re beneficial as predators of insects and as food for other animals.
Bats aren’t dangerous, despite persistent myths. Intelligent and harmless, learn all about them.
Would it surprise you to learn a Red Fox is your neighbor? Even in the city? They often stay put…
Skunks are known best as stinky roadkill, and good riddance. That’s too bad, because they’re beneficial, non-aggressive, and just want to be left alone.
Fall and winter are good times to make a to-do list for next spring. Have you purchased seeds? Cleaned tools? What plants will you buy?
Just like that, wildlife appears like magic in the spring and then disappears in winter. Ever wondered what becomes of them? Or where they go? We have answers for you!