Feature stories By Tara Allison Dam! It’s the beavers! Learn about beavers, how they live and the value of their dams in nature.
Birds By Tara Allison These woodpeckers store, defend their food Meet the three woodpecker species especially noted for storing food and protecting their stash.
Mammals By Tara Allison 7 common questions about bats Answers to common questions about bats. Why do they hang upside down? Bats and rabies. Injured bats. Do bats form “flocks?” More.
Plants By Tara Allison Plant a butterfly-hummingbird garden Why settle for only butterflies in your “butterfly” garden? You can also draw those ever-entertaining bundles of energy—hummingbirds.
Mammals By Tara Allison Foxes: frequent questions Answers to common questions about the Red Fox. Is it okay to feed a fox? Foxes and rabies. Are pets safe? More.